Here is how our DICOM viewer looks

Give it a try, play with it! Using our embeddable DICOM Viewer, you can easily view your DICOM files anywhere online (web, in the mobile application). Your DICOM files are stored in your Medicai workspace, in your cloud PACS.

What is Medicai Cloud PACS?

Medicai Cloud PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) enables doctors to securely access, store and share medical images from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Cloud PACS technology eliminates the need for physical storage of DICOM images and allows faster and more efficient image retrieval. It also enables doctors to collaborate remotely, which can be especially useful for sharing images between different facilities or digital applications.


Cloud-based Platform

Medicai’s Cloud PACS is entirely cloud-based, meaning you can access your medical images from anywhere and on any device with an internet connection. This facilitates image sharing with other healthcare providers and improves the overall efficiency of your practice. Moreover, Medicai provides reliable technical support to ensure seamless integration and usage of the cloud PACS system.

Integration with Other Systems ‍

Our PACS is built to effortlessly interact with your current healthcare IT infrastructure, including your radiology information system (RIS) and electronic health record (EHR). This guarantees that your process will continue to be effective and organized. Furthermore, cloud PACS integration ensures seamless data exchange across your healthcare ecosystem, optimizing workflow efficiency and enhancing patient care delivery.

Fast Image Transfer

The integration of next generation PACS and DICOM technologies facilitates rapid and reliable transfer of even large medical image files.

This advancement enables healthcare professionals to swiftly share medical imaging with colleagues, regardless of their location, leading to improved patient care through enhanced collaboration and communication. Doctors can conveniently upload images to the cloud PACS, ensuring seamless access and sharing across the care network.

Secure Storage

Our HIPAA-compliant cloud environment securely stores your medical images, ensuring that your patient data is always secure and that you comply with all applicable rules.

Moreover, our integrated medical imaging information systems offer comprehensive solutions for managing and accessing medical imaging data, further enhancing the efficiency and security of your healthcare operations.

How does Medicai Cloud PACS work?

Medicai Cloud PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) works by retrieving, storing and distributing medical images and patient data via a cloud-based platform. Designed for seamless integration and implementation, Medicai streamlines the implementation of medical imaging workflows, facilitating efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of medical images across healthcare institutions.

Image Acquisition:

Medical images are captured by imaging modalities (such as X-ray, MRI, CT, etc.) and sent to the cloud-based PACS system via a secure network connection.

Upon arrival, the images are converted to the DICOM format, ensuring compatibility and standardization for storage and retrieval within the onsite PACS or the cloud PACS.

Image Storage:

The medical images are stored in the cloud native PACS system, which provides secure and scalable storage options. This architecture allows for seamless integration of PACS in relation to other healthcare IT systems, ensuring interoperability and efficient data exchange. Moreover, the pricing of cloud storage ensures cost-effectiveness and eliminates the need for expensive on-premises infrastructure maintenance.

Image Viewing and Analysis with Medicai DICOM Viewer:

Healthcare providers can access and analyze medical images through a cloud-based DICOM viewer integrated with PACS. This web-based viewer offers advanced tools for viewing and analysis, including image zoom, window leveling, and measurements. The cloud PACS architecture ensures seamless data transmission and storage, enabling efficient retrieval and interpretation of medical images from any internet-connected device.

Collaboration and Communication:

Healthcare providers can easily collaborate and communicate with each other by sharing medical images and patient data via the cloud native PACS system, regardless of their physical location, thus leveraging the benefits of cloud technology for seamless data access and sharing.

Security and Compliance:

The cloud-based PACS system provides advanced security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to ensure patient data is secure and complies with HIPAA and other privacy regulations.

Leveraging the possibilities of cloud technology enhances scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness in managing medical imaging data.

Connect & Retrieve

Our multi-enterprise solution enables modern practices to automatically retreive imaging from their own local PACS and modalities, connect to partners and allow their patients to easily upload their previous imaging studies.

Store & Manage

Our Cloud PACS is the central piece of software running on our scalable

infrastructure. All the studies, together with complementary files (reports, images, videos) are stored in a secure and compliant way (HIPAA, GDPR).

The Cloud PACS has built in granular access control levels enabling precise sharing of data inside the organization, and outside.

Thanks to our robust API the imaging data is readily available. This makes implementation of advanced imaging workflows a breeze.

neurology imaging

Access & Visualize

Team members can access, view, share and collaborate easily with our ready made web portal for doctors and mobile apps for doctors.

Tech-savvy practices practices leverage our APIs and our DICOM components to embed DICOM capabilities into their existing web portals, apps and software systems.

Why choose Medicai Cloud PACS?

By leveraging cloud technology, healthcare providers can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and improve patient care by efficiently accessing and analyzing medical images from anywhere, anytime. Embracing the benefits of the cloud enables scalability, cost-effectiveness, and data security in managing medical imaging data. Additionally, understanding the difference between PACS, particularly the transition from traditional onsite systems to cloud-based solutions, is crucial for healthcare institutions seeking to modernize their imaging infrastructure and optimize clinical operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How PACS works?

PACS, or Picture Archiving and Communication System, works by capturing, storing, managing, and distributing medical images and associated patient information within a healthcare institution. The system typically consists of four main components: image acquisition devices (such as MRI, CT scanners), a secure storage repository, workstations for image interpretation, and a network for data transmission.

Firstly, medical images are acquired by imaging devices and transmitted to the PACS server. Once received, the images are stored in a secure, centralized repository, where they are indexed and organized for easy retrieval.

Next, radiologists and other healthcare professionals access the images using PACS workstations, where they can view, manipulate, and interpret the images for diagnosis and treatment planning.

The key difference between various generations of PACS lies in their architecture and capabilities. Older, onsite PACS systems require dedicated hardware and software installed within the healthcare facility, while next-generation PACS solutions leverage cloud technology for storage and access, offering scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Cloud to workstation refers to the process of accessing medical images stored in the cloud repository directly from PACS workstations, enabling seamless data access and interpretation regardless of the user's physical location. This integration of cloud technology with PACS enhances workflow efficiency and facilitates collaboration among healthcare professionals.

What is a web based PACS system?

A web-based PACS system refers to a Picture Archiving and Communication System that operates using web technology, allowing users to access and manage medical imaging data through a web browser interface. This type of PACS leverages medical imaging technology to store, retrieve, and distribute images and related patient data in DICOM format.

Use cases for web-based PACS systems include diagnostic radiology, oncology, cardiology, and more, where medical professionals can securely view, interpret, and share medical images from any location with internet access.

Unlike traditional onsite PACS, web-based PACS systems utilize cloud services to store and manage data, offering benefits such as scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Next-generation web-based PACS solutions integrate innovative features such as AI-powered image analysis, advanced visualization tools, and predictive analytics to enhance diagnostic capabilities and streamline workflow efficiency in medical imaging interpretation.

Choosing the Right Cloud PACS Vendor - What are Key Considerations for Healthcare Institutions?

Selecting an affordable cloud PACS vendor is a pivotal decision for healthcare institutions seeking to optimize their medical imaging workflows and enhance patient care. Several essential factors must be carefully evaluated to ensure compatibility with the institution's requirements and objectives.

From scalability and security to interoperability and user experience, each aspect plays a critical role in determining the suitability of a cloud PACS solution for healthcare facilities. By thoroughly assessing these key considerations, healthcare institutions can choose the right solution that aligns with their operational needs, regulatory compliance requirements, and long-term strategic goals, ultimately empowering them to deliver high-quality care efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, it's crucial to consider the vendor's services for enterprise imaging, ensuring comprehensive support for managing and leveraging medical imaging data across the organization.

Additionally, exploring free cloud models can be beneficial for institutions aiming to minimize costs while still accessing essential features and functionalities.

What are PACS in computing?

PACS, or Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, in computing, refer to comprehensive platforms designed to manage medical imaging data efficiently. These systems typically integrate an online DICOM viewer, allowing healthcare professionals to access and interpret medical images conveniently from any internet-connected device.

PACS leverages cloud technology to store and distribute imaging data securely, eliminating the need for on-premises servers and infrastructure. By centralizing imaging data in the cloud, PACS streamlines the imaging infrastructure, enabling seamless access and sharing of medical images across healthcare facilities and departments.

Furthermore, PACS often integrates with patient portals, allowing patients to access their own imaging studies and reports, promoting patient engagement and empowerment in their healthcare journey.

Overall, PACS play a crucial role in modern healthcare by enhancing imaging workflows, improving collaboration among healthcare providers, and ultimately delivering better patient care.

What is cloud PACS?

Cloud PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) is a medical imaging solution that uses cloud technology to store, manage, and share imaging data securely over the Internet.

This system integrates a DICOM viewer, allowing healthcare providers to access and interpret medical images conveniently from any location with internet access.

Cloud PACS offers several benefits, including scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, as it eliminates the need for on-premises hardware and maintenance.

Furthermore, cloud PACS enables seamless integration with other healthcare systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, enhancing patient care coordination.

By harnessing the power of cloud technology, healthcare organizations can streamline their imaging workflows, improve diagnostic accuracy, and ultimately deliver better patient care.

How PACS works?

PACS, or Picture Archiving and Communication System, operates by leveraging cloud technology to store, manage, and distribute DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) images securely over the Internet. In a cloud-native PACS, DICOM images are stored in the cloud, eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure and enabling seamless scalability and accessibility. 

This cloud-native approach unlocks the full potential of cloud computing, offering healthcare providers the flexibility to access medical images from any location and device with an internet connection. 

Additionally, cloud-based PACS solutions offer advanced features and capabilities, such as real-time image viewing, analysis, and collaboration tools, further enhancing efficiency and patient care delivery. With the possibilities of the cloud, healthcare providers can tailor their PACS solution to meet their specific needs, ensuring they have the right solution for their imaging workflow requirements.

What is a web-based PACS system?

A web-based PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) system is a cloud-based solution that revolutionizes medical imaging technology by leveraging cloud services to store, manage, and distribute medical images securely over the internet. Unlike traditional PACS systems that rely on on-premises servers and infrastructure, web-based PACS systems offer scalability, flexibility, and accessibility.

Healthcare professionals can access the PACS system from any web-enabled device, allowing for seamless viewing and analysis of medical images from different locations and devices.

Additionally, web-based PACS systems often integrate with patient portals, enabling patients to access their own medical images and reports, promoting transparency and patient engagement in their healthcare journey.

Overall, web-based PACS systems represent the next generation of medical imaging technology, offering advanced features and capabilities while improving efficiency and patient care delivery.

What are PACS in computing?

PACS, or Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, in computing, refers to comprehensive platforms designed to manage medical imaging data efficiently. These systems typically integrate an online DICOM viewer, allowing healthcare professionals to access and interpret medical images conveniently from any internet-connected device.

PACS leverages cloud technology to store and distribute imaging data securely, eliminating the need for on-premises servers and infrastructure. By centralizing imaging data in the cloud, PACS streamlines the imaging infrastructure, enabling seamless access and sharing of medical images across healthcare facilities and departments.

Furthermore, PACS often integrates with patient portals, allowing patients to access their own imaging studies and reports, promoting patient engagement and empowerment in their healthcare journey.

Overall, PACS plays a crucial role in modern healthcare by enhancing imaging workflows, improving collaboration among healthcare providers, and ultimately delivering better patient care.

What is cloud PACS?

This system integrates a DICOM viewer, allowing healthcare providers to access and interpret medical images conveniently from any location with internet access.

Cloud PACS offers several benefits, including scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, as it eliminates the need for on-premises hardware and maintenance. Furthermore, cloud PACS enables seamless integration with other healthcare systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, facilitating efficient sharing of medical images and enhancing patient care coordination.

By harnessing the power of cloud technology, healthcare organizations can streamline their imaging workflows, improve diagnostic accuracy, and ultimately deliver better patient care.

Learn more about how Medicai can help you strengthen your practice and improve your patients' experience.

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