Here is how our DICOM viewer looks

Give it a try, play with it! Using our embeddable DICOM Viewer, you can easily view your DICOM files anywhere online (web, in the mobile application). Your DICOM files are stored in your Medicai workspace, in your cloud PACS.

What is Medicai's Medical Imaging Exchange?

Our medical imaging exchange platform is a cloud-based solution that enables healthcare providers to securely and seamlessly share medical imaging data. The platform allows healthcare organizations to exchange diagnostic images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, in real-time, regardless of location or organization.

Medicai is designed to be user-friendly and scalable, allowing healthcare providers to easily access and share imaging data across a network of providers.


Improved patient care

Our medical image sharing product facilitates seamless access to medical images for healthcare professionals, streamlining the radiology workflow and enabling quicker diagnosis and treatment planning. This efficiency not only enhances patient outcomes but also contributes to cost savings within the healthcare system, especially when integrated into a broader image exchange network.

Enhanced collaboration

Efficient enterprise image exchange facilitates seamless collaboration in patient care, fostering improved communication and coordination between providers.

When accessing the same medical images, healthcare teams can effectively align their efforts, leading to enhanced patient outcomes. Additionally, image sharing is optimizing the diagnostic workflow and enabling clinicians to make more informed decisions promptly, further benefiting patient care.

Efficient image sharing

Our platform streamlines radiology image sharing, eliminating the necessity for the physical transfer of medical images. This not only saves valuable time but also mitigates the risk of loss or damage to crucial medical data, ultimately benefiting both healthcare professionals and patients.

"One of our biggest challenges has been to collect and store documents and imaging from displaced individuals. Medicai has been instrumental to our efforts, allowing doctors and patients from multiple countries to share medical information in a secure and easy way. We are incredibly grateful to have the support of the Medicai team during these challenging times and look forward to working together to ease the suffering of those most in need."

Horia Vulpe, MD, CM, FRCPC

Radiation oncologist @ Queen's Cancer Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

How does medical image sharing work?

Our platform allows healthcare professionals to upload and share medical images securely with other authorized healthcare providers. Healthcare providers can access these images from anywhere in the world, using any device with an internet connection.

To ensure security, healthcare providers must be authorized to access medical images on our platform. Authorized healthcare providers can access medical images through a secure login, and all activity on the platform is tracked and audited for security purposes.

Our platform also includes tools for viewing and analyzing medical images, allowing doctors to make more informed diagnoses and treatment plans.

Connect & Retrieve

Store & Manage

neurology imaging

Access & Visualize

Why choose Medicai's Medical Imaging Exchange solution?

Our medical imaging exchange platform is designed with healthcare providers in mind, with features and tools specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals. We are committed to providing a secure, reliable, and efficient platform that improves patient care and enhances collaboration between healthcare providers. Our platform is scalable, meaning it can grow and evolve with your organization's needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I share a radiology image?

Sharing a radiology image typically involves several methods, depending on the circumstances and the infrastructure available. One common approach is through medical image exchange platforms integrated into hospital networks. These platforms allow for the secure and efficient transfer of images between different healthcare facilities and providers within the network. Alternatively, if direct access to such platforms is not available, images can be shared via virtual private networks (VPNs) or by physically transferring them using CDs. In cases where images need to be shared with providers outside of the network, secure email or web-based portals can also be utilized. The choice of method depends on factors such as security requirements, accessibility, and the urgency of image sharing.

How does medical image processing work?

Medical image processing involves a series of steps to analyze and enhance images obtained through various imaging modalities such as X-ray, MRI, CT, and ultrasound. Initially, these images are captured in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format, which is the standard for storing and transmitting medical images.

Once obtained, these DICOM images are processed using specialized software and algorithms designed to improve image quality, remove noise, and enhance specific features for diagnostic purposes. This processed data is then accessible to physicians and other healthcare professionals within the hospital network, allowing for collaborative analysis and interpretation.

Through medical image processing, physicians can extract valuable insights from these images to aid in accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of patients' health conditions.

What is the difference between medical image and normal image?

Medical images are specifically captured using imaging techniques such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or ultrasound to visualize the internal structures of the body for diagnostic purposes.

These images provide detailed information about anatomical structures, abnormalities, or diseases, aiding radiologists and other healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating patients. On the other hand, normal images typically refer to photographs or visual representations captured by standard cameras or devices, which are used for documentation, entertainment, or communication purposes.

The key distinction lies in their intended use and the specialized techniques involved in capturing medical images, which require expertise in radiology and are crucial for informing care teams about patients' health conditions through medical image exchange platforms.

What are the 4 types of medical imaging?

The four main types of medical imaging are X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound. These imaging modalities play crucial roles in diagnosing various medical conditions and guiding treatment decisions in hospitals worldwide.

With the advancement of medical image exchange technology and the integration of patient portals into healthcare systems, accessing and sharing these images among healthcare providers has become more efficient, facilitating collaborative care and improving patient outcomes.

Learn more about how Medicai can help you strengthen your practice and improve your patients' experience.

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