Integrated DICOM Viewer Sample

This is a sample of how a DICOM file looks like when viewed in Medicai. Available in both our web and mobile apps, and also easily embedabble in your own solution, our DICOM viewer solution comes connected to a cloud PACS readily available.

What is Medicai's Medical Imaging Exchange?

Our medical imaging exchange platform is a cloud-based solution that enables healthcare providers to securely and seamlessly share medical imaging data with each other. The platform allows healthcare organizations to exchange diagnostic images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, in real-time, regardless of location or organization. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and scalable, allowing healthcare providers to easily access and share imaging data across a network of providers.

Improved patient care

Our platform allows healthcare professionals to access medical images quickly and easily, enabling faster diagnosis and treatment planning. This can result in improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

Enhanced collaboration

Healthcare professionals can collaborate more easily on patient care when they have access to the same medical images. This can lead to improved communication and coordination between healthcare providers.

Secure and reliable

Our platform is designed with security in mind, ensuring that medical images are protected and accessed only by authorized healthcare professionals. We use the latest encryption technologies to keep your data secure.


By eliminating the need for physical transfer of medical images, our platform can save time and reduce the risk of loss or damage to medical images.

How does it work?

Our platform allows healthcare professionals to upload and share medical images securely with other authorized healthcare providers. Healthcare providers can access these images from anywhere in the world, using any device with an internet connection.

To ensure security, healthcare providers must be authorized to access medical images on our platform. Authorized healthcare providers can access medical images through a secure login, and all activity on the platform is tracked and audited for security purposes.

Our platform also includes tools for viewing and analyzing medical images, allowing healthcare professionals to make more informed diagnoses and treatment plans.

Why choose Medicai's Medical Imaging Exchange solution?

Our medical imaging exchange platform is designed with healthcare providers in mind, with features and tools specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals. We are committed to providing a secure, reliable, and efficient platform that improves patient care and enhances collaboration between healthcare providers.

We offer 24/7 customer support to ensure that our platform is always available when you need it. Our platform is also scalable, meaning that it can grow and evolve with your organization's needs.

Learn more about how Medicai can help you strengthen your practice and improve your patients' experience.