Doctor Andreea Bengus, Gastroenterology

Dr. Andreea Bengus

, Romania

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Send your files to Andreea Bengus with Medicai

With Medicai, you can send your medical files, including medical imaging, to Andreea Bengus with ease, in just a couple of minutes.

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Dr. Andreea Benguș brings to the service of the patient the rich experience accumulated over more than 20 years of professional training. Another important aspect is represented by her teaching activity, Dr. Benguș being over the years a lecturer in the projects "GastroMarathon", "Learning IBD@Colentina" or "Learning Endoscopy@Colentina" which have contributed to the training of several generations of young gastroenterologists and endoscopists.

The clinical and academic activity has focused on 3 main areas: digestive oncology, inflammatory bowel diseases and hepatology. Clinical experience in these areas was combined with academic activity, Dr. Andreea Benguș being a collaborator in several multicenter international studies in the field of complex endoscopic techniques, especially endoscopic retrograde endoscopic cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).


Diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy: upper and lower digestive endoscopy (colonoscopy), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic polypectomies, stenting of the digestive tract and bile ducts, endoscopic placement of feeding gastrostomies
Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)
Hepatology (chronic viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, liver cirrhosis)
Functional explorations of the upper digestive tract (high resolution esophageal manometry)
Small bowel and colon exploration with endoscopic video capsule

Learn how sending your files works

Sending your medical files, including your medical imaging to your doctor is easy with Medicai. Please watch the following short video for a step by step walkthrough.

About Medicai

Medicai is a cloud-native enterprise medical imaging solution. Our solution enables secure and compliant imaging data management: access to data from anywhere (through our web and mobile apps), real-time collaboration (MDTs, second opinions, chat).

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Send your files to Andreea Bengus with Medicai

With Medicai, you can send your medical files, including medical imaging, to Andreea Bengus with ease, in just a couple of minutes.

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