Dr. Arlet Alina is a primary cardiology physician. She has a long medical experience, acquired at the Institute of Pneumophthisiology "Marius Nasta" in Bucharest and in several specialized medical centers. Dr. Arlet Alina performs cardiological investigations with the help of modern technology and provides an accurate and rapid interpretation of the results. It covers both the screening and diagnostic spectrum as well as the follow-up of patients with confirmed diagnosis, Dr Arlet has over-specialisation in cardiac sonography
Sending your medical files, including your medical imaging to your doctor is easy with Medicai. Please watch the following short video for a step by step walkthrough.
Medicai is a cloud-native enterprise medical imaging solution. Our solution enables secure and compliant imaging data management: access to data from anywhere (through our web and mobile apps), real-time collaboration (MDTs, second opinions, chat).
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