


Ciobanu Adela Magdalena

Doctor Ciobanu Adela Magdalena, Psychiatry

Dr. Ciobanu Adela Magdalena

Bucuresti, Romania


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Send your files to Ciobanu Adela Magdalena with Medicai

With Medicai, you can send your medical files, including medical imaging, to Ciobanu Adela Magdalena with ease, in just a couple of minutes.
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Experiență de peste 20 de ani în tratarea tulburărilor psihice. Vicepreședinte Comisia de Psihiatrie a Ministerului Sănătății (OMS 303 / 17.03.2017). Medic Șef Secție I Clinic la Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie ''Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia'', iar în n perioada iunie 2014 – iunie 2017 am fost Director Medical al aceluiași spital menționat mai sus.Expert actualizare ghiduri si proceduri, experiență vastă în tratarea tulburărilor de anxietate, tulburărilor afective bipolare, tulburării depresive majore cu sau fără ideatie suicidară, schizofreniei și tulburărilor din spectrul schizofren, dar si a patologiei datorate consumului de alcool.

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Learn how sending your files works

Sending your medical files, including your medical imaging to your doctor is easy with Medicai. Please watch the following short video for a step by step walkthrough.

About Medicai

Medicai is a cloud-native enterprise medical imaging solution. Our solution enables secure and compliant imaging data management: access to data from anywhere (through our web and mobile apps), real-time collaboration (MDTs, second opinions, chat).

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Send your files to Ciobanu Adela Magdalena with Medicai

With Medicai, you can send your medical files, including medical imaging, to Ciobanu Adela Magdalena with ease, in just a couple of minutes.
Send your files
Ciobanu Adela Magdalena
Ciobanu Adela Magdalena is not yet on Medicai. Please leave us your contact details and we will let them know you would like to send your patient file digitally through our platform.
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